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Got it, you're looking for a water bottle with specific features. Here's a breakdown of what you're seeking:

1. **Motivational Drinking Bottle**: This type of bottle usually has motivational quotes or encouragements printed on it to keep you inspired to drink more water throughout the day.

2. **Sports Water Bottle**: These bottles are typically designed for athletes and active individuals. They often have features like a leak-proof lid, ergonomic design for easy handling during exercise, and sometimes even insulation to keep your drink cool.

3. **With Time Marker**: Water bottles with time markers have measurements or labels on them to indicate how much water you should be drinking by specific times throughout the day, helping you stay on track with your hydration goals.

4. **Portable**: This feature ensures that the bottle is easy to carry around, whether you're commuting, traveling, or heading to the gym.

5. **Reusable Plastic**: While plastic, these bottles are reusable, making them more environmentally friendly than single-use plastic bottles. Look for BPA-free options for safety.

6. **Outdoor/Travel/Gym Use**: The bottle should be suitable for various environments and activities, such as outdoor adventures, travel, and workouts at the gym.

When searching for a bottle that meets all these criteria, it's helpful to browse online marketplaces or sports stores that specialize in fitness gear. Many brands offer water bottles with multiple features to cater to different needs.